Cross in Colca Canyon in Peru

The Paradox of the Cross

The cross of Christ is the greatest of all paradoxes. It was the most tragic event in the history of the world, yet the most wonderful thing that ever happened. It was the saddest...

Even When He is Silent

A young girl whose name may never be known died in a Nazi concentration camp during World War II, but her faith will never be forgotten. On the wall of the cell she occupied...

Calvary, Not Bethlehem

It happened almost 2,000 years ago, but the residual effect is still with us today. Every time we partake of the Lord’s Supper we are reminded of that moment in history when the sins...

7 Signs

The book of John focuses on seven of Jesus’ miracles, and a careful study of each provides us with principles of encouragement. Disappointments? Remember when Jesus addressed an embarrassing moment by turning water into...

You Can’t Scratch Out the Eyes of God

Once there was a little girl who lived on a large farm way out in the country. Almost everything the family ate was raised on the farm. Apples in the fall were a great...

Down to Only One Fear

We need not fear: Economic Collapse. Whether the breaking of Social Security, a major stock market crash, the mounting U.S. debt, recession, the real estate bubble bursting, bankruptcy, out of control inflation, or job losses....

We See Jesus

  We see His sacrifice: what He gave up (Philippians 2:8; cf. 2 Corinthians 8:9). We see His suffering: what He went through (1 Peter 2:21–24; Romans 5:1). We see His success: what He now enjoys (Hebrews...

Jesus’ Greatness

Men who stood nearest to Jesus were swayed by His personality. He was “full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). He had a charm about Him which wooed and fascinated.  Children liked Him; publicans hung...

Influence of Jesus 

Historian Philip Schaff described Jesus’ power in the following way: “Jesus of Nazareth, without money and arms, conquered more millions than Alexander the Great, Caesar, Mohammed, and Napoleon; without science and learning, he shed more...

Paternity Determined in Bethlehem Case

Where paternity of a child is in question, a court determines paternity based initially upon sworn statements and then upon testimony or other evidence. In the Bethlehem Case, the Father finally came forward. A definitive...