Why Does God Allow Suffering?

In view of recent events, one writer suggested that we all “boycott God.” She proposed that if we all stopped praying, attending church, and praising Him, that this just might make Him stop killing so...

We See Jesus

  We see His sacrifice: what He gave up (Philippians 2:8; cf. 2 Corinthians 8:9). We see His suffering: what He went through (1 Peter 2:21–24; Romans 5:1). We see His success: what He now enjoys (Hebrews...
Cross in Colca Canyon in Peru

The Paradox of the Cross

The cross of Christ is the greatest of all paradoxes. It was the most tragic event in the history of the world, yet the most wonderful thing that ever happened. It was the saddest...

A Human Jesus

The Gospel Accounts present a truly human Jesus, not a ghostly figure who only appeared to be flesh and blood. Jesus spoke of His own body (Mark 14:8), head (Luke 7:44–46), hands, feet, flesh, and...

Did the Disciples Steal the Naked Body of Jesus?

Some explain away the resurrection by saying the apostles stole the body of Jesus from the tomb. His enemies were the first to suggest this (Matthew 28:11–15). Since the grave clothes were...

Mary’s Little Lamb No More

In all stages of Sonship, Jesus maintained the proper relationship with His parents (1 Peter 2:21-22). We get a glimpse into this special grown-up relationship at a wedding they both attended the little village of Cana, near Nazareth where He had grown up (John 2:1-11). In this scene, His face bears the chiseled sculpting from His forty days in the wilderness. What can we learn from Jesus' interaction with Mary on this occasion?

10 Things I Wish the World Knew About Jesus

If the church had the opportunity to preach one sermon to the whole world, what should it be? Its theme would have to be Jesus, for there is no salvation “in any other, for...

What are You Looking For?

They were looking for a lion; He came as a Lamb, and they missed Him. They were looking for a warrior; He came as a Peacemaker, and they missed Him. They were looking for a king;...

Jesus’ Greatness

Men who stood nearest to Jesus were swayed by His personality. He was “full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). He had a charm about Him which wooed and fascinated.  Children liked Him; publicans hung...

Some Things You Might Not Know About God

Knowing God is like drinking the ocean or counting its sands, or walking its waves. It is not really in the realm of possibility. We know only what He has revealed (Deuteronomy 29:29) and even...