Not Far from the Kingdom

“When Jesus saw that he answered wisely, He said to him, ‘You art not far from the kingdom of God’” (Mark 12:34). Jesus could see right through people. They might hide behind pleasantries and smiles...

Know What You Believe, and Believe What You Know

“For it is good that the heart be established by grace” (Hebrews 13:9). Reuben was as “unstable as water” and therefore would not excel (Genesis 49:4). By contrast, John the Immerser was no “reed shaken...

Abortion Wrongs

We hear a lot about abortion rights. This is an article about abortion wrongs. Much misinformation is distributed on this subject. Let us consider the common arguments for abortion. A WOMAN HAS A RIGHT OVER HER...

Does Mark 16:16 Belong in the Bible?

Some modern Bibles cast doubt as to whether the end of Mark (including Mark 16:16) belongs in the Bible. Some omit Mark 16:9–20 altogether. Others have a shorter ending after verse eight that says,...

God Has a Standard for That

Scripture is able to make a man “wise unto salvation” and completely ready for “every good work” God has a standard for every area of our lives.

Forgiven to Forgive

When a counselor asked a lady, “Have you heaped coals of fire on your enemy?” (thinking she would remember Romans 12:20, “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him...

The Great Invitation: The Spirit and the Bride Say Come

The 31 words of the 30,997th Bible verse, in its 1189th chapter, are quite remarkable. They contain the last invitation God would offer for two thousand years. They echo across the centuries, inviting each new...

I Would Go to Church, but All They Want is Money

Let’s explore how money issues are handled by those seeking to restore New Testament Christianity. This is what you can expect if you come for a visit.

Should Christians Follow the Jewish Clock?

Some have concluded from this that Christians may worship on Saturday nights and be as scriptural as those who worship on Sunday mornings. Is this the case?

When the Fullness of Time Was Come

Why was Jesus born when He was?