How Is Public Opinion Molded?

Satan’s plan to destroy America through changing public opinion is easy to track (Ephesians 6:11). Undermine the family. Relax sexual ethics. Remove Christianity’s influence. In its void, put raunchy entertainment. Use music and television to change minds.

Are You Covered?

In recent months, several natural and unnatural calamities have struck our country and community. Terrorists destroy buildings and lives; planes fall from the sky; evil people have given “hate mail” a new meaning. Periodically,...

What Saul Saw When He Couldn’t See

During these three dark days, Saul “saw” a lot he had never seen with his eyes open. The eyes of his understanding were opened (Ephesians 1:18). What did Saul see when he couldn’t see?

Rightly Dividing the Word

Geography books often have two large maps depicting the two hemispheres. They face each other—the right-hand page shows the eastern hemisphere, and the left-hand page the western hemisphere. These hemispheres are subdivided naturally into...

Four Just One Soul

God will move heaven and earth rather than allow a soul to miss heaven. A case in point is the providence involved in the conversion of Lydia of Thyatira (Acts 16). Providence refers to “that...

The Audacious Claims of Jesus

Around ad 30, a rabbi named Jesus came to a Galilean village He had never visited before. Imagine the shock when, in the course of His remarks, He informed them He was God visiting...

Mary’s Little Lamb No More

In all stages of Sonship, Jesus maintained the proper relationship with His parents (1 Peter 2:21-22). We get a glimpse into this special grown-up relationship at a wedding they both attended the little village of Cana, near Nazareth where He had grown up (John 2:1-11). In this scene, His face bears the chiseled sculpting from His forty days in the wilderness. What can we learn from Jesus' interaction with Mary on this occasion?

Helping Widows

Concern for the underprivileged and vulnerable has always mattered to God. Three such categories in every society in every generation are immigrants (strangers), orphans, and widows. This study pertains to the third group. Under Old...

The Five Sacrifices of Calvary

The five primary offerings under Moses’ Law are explained in Leviticus 1 - 7, and should be studied in connection with the book of Hebrews. Each is a different pose of Jesus on the cross.

Three Arguments for the Existence of God

Evolution has fashioned gods of its own design and named them Mother Nature and Father Time. James Hewitt tells of a family of mice who lived in a large piano.  In their piano-world came the music...