I Would Go to Church, but All They Want is Money

Let’s explore how money issues are handled by those seeking to restore New Testament Christianity. This is what you can expect if you come for a visit.

What is Unique About the Church of Christ?

Since unique means “the only one of its kind,” could this really be true? Making the claim proves nothing, so let’s test the hypothesis by looking at things some think are unique about the church of Christ.

Three Books on God’s Reading List

What does an omniscient God read?

Jesus Loves Me, This I Know

One preacher went so far as to say, “Everything I ever needed to know about religion I learned from Jesus loves me, this I know.” He may not have exaggerated much, for the entire scheme of redemption is found within its lyrics.

Jesus’ Adult Relationship with His Mother

We hear much talk about child abuse, and it is a great social evil. But there is another evil that needs addressing: parent abuse (Proverbs 10:1; 17:21; 23:24-25). Eight million children assault their parents...

What Does it Mean to Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ?

Paul gave God’s greatest answer to man’s greatest question by relating Christ’s greatest news. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you, and your household” (Acts 16:31).  This answer has two...

Jesus as a Teenager

Remarkably, Luke 2:39–52 is the only passage that records anything that happened during Jesus’ young years. From the time of His infancy until His introduction to Israel when He was twenty-nine, the Bible gives...

Why People Do Not Understand the Bible

People know more about more things than ever before. Technology. Art. Health. Business. Music. Ecology. Accounting. Fitness. Relationships. Architecture. History. Math. Physics. Botany. Computers. Engineering. Film. Medicine. Economics. Genetics. People know less about the Bible...

8 Things You Will Never Do in Heaven

Most likely today, you will do things you will never do in heaven. 1. If You Turn on a Light, You Did Something You Will Never Do in Heaven. Half of the time in this world...

Why Do Bad Things Happen?

The most commonly asked question about God—which has been called the “Achilles Heel” of Christianity—is, “Why does a loving, all-powerful God allow suffering in His world?”