Our Court-Appointed Attorney

He Is the Propitiation for Our Sins. Jesus mediates, presenting His atonement for us.  Lawyers in court frequently deny allegations brought against their clients. If they admit the charge, then they try to justify it....

What’s So Great About Following Jesus?

Jesus gives hope—the hope of eternal life. Unlike many people who stumble through life with no direction, Christians have a goal, and a way to accomplish that goal. Faithful saints know they are headed toward an incomparable...

Mary’s Little Lamb No More

In all stages of Sonship, Jesus maintained the proper relationship with His parents (1 Peter 2:21-22). We get a glimpse into this special grown-up relationship at a wedding they both attended the little village of Cana, near Nazareth where He had grown up (John 2:1-11). In this scene, His face bears the chiseled sculpting from His forty days in the wilderness. What can we learn from Jesus' interaction with Mary on this occasion?

A 3×4 Fence

A person might as well put his shoulder to the burning sun and seek to stop it on its flaming course as to seek to destroy and stop the circulation of the Word of...

How Can We Not Follow Him?

When Mary first held that beautiful infant, she did not have to wrestle with what He would be called. His Father (not His stepfather) had decided. He sent a messenger to the perplexed Joseph...

How Did He Know That?

Concerning the city of Tyre, at least six specific predictions were recorded in Ezekiel 26

The Historical Jesus

There is more evidence for the historicity of Jesus of Nazareth (c. 4 bc–ad 30) than any other person of antiquity.  There are more than 5,500 Greek manuscripts and thousands of copies of the New...
Cross in Colca Canyon in Peru

The Paradox of the Cross

The cross of Christ is the greatest of all paradoxes. It was the most tragic event in the history of the world, yet the most wonderful thing that ever happened. It was the saddest...

What it Means to Trust God

We live in unique times. With the COVID-19 pandemic, we are facing challenges most of us have never seen in our lifetime.  Such challenges should encourage us to trust in God. Consider these passages:  The...

Up with Christ

Christ Was Lifted Up (John 12:32–33). Jesus signified His death on the cross, saying that He would be “lifted up.” That Jesus could foretell the manner in which He would be killed by others...