Two Builders

Two Builders The builder built a temple; he wrought it with grace and skill. Pillars, walls, and arches—fashioned to his will. Men said as they saw its beauty, “It will never know decay. Great is thy skill, O,...

What Do You Expect Out of Your Children?

School children were used for an experiment in education.  The children in three groups were equally average students. Controllers of the study made a significant change, though. They placed the three groups with three different...

A Hundred Dollars Only Buys So Much These Days…

$100 doesn't buy what it used to.

Daddy, Can I Come Home?

Several years ago, I met a lifelong friend walking down the road. We stopped for a couple of moments and exchanged greetings. I asked her how she and her husband were doing (they had...
Wedding rings and heart shaped shadow over Bible

Founded on Purity

Jacob and Rachel “dated” for seven years without behaving immorally (Genesis 29:20–21).  How different this is from today when many seem unable to go on even one date without being promiscuous. In a permissive society,...

The Benefits of Kissing

Here's a bit of interesting news...

Take This Communication Test

Take this test with your mate. Insert your spouse’s name in the blank and answer the questions as you think your spouse sees you. (Copy this sheet if possible or keep your answers on...


After I spoke at a public high school on the pro-life position, the pro-choice instructor took me to the faculty lounge for lunch. He pointed to a table where four teachers were smoking and...

A Real Home Is…

Building a sanctuary for your family.

Try a Little Tenderness

As a parent, do you ever feel like all you do is say “no” to your children? Do you feel guilty for seeming to correct all the time? I do!  Sometimes I feel like a...