6 Keys to a Good Marriage

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Abortion Wrongs

We hear a lot about abortion rights. This is an article about abortion wrongs. Much misinformation is distributed on this subject. Let us consider the common arguments for abortion. A WOMAN HAS A RIGHT OVER HER...

What Children Remember

Conduct your home so children will remember that  Father and mother were kind to one another (Ephesians 4:32). Home was a happy place, governed by the law of love (Psalm 119:165). Each child was...

Harry Truman’s Mother

Someone once said to Harry Truman’s mother, “Mrs. Truman, you must be very proud that a son of yours is in the White House.” She responded, “Well, yes, but I have another son who lives...

God Has a Standard for That

Scripture is able to make a man “wise unto salvation” and completely ready for “every good work” God has a standard for every area of our lives.

Burnt Biscuits

A little burnt biscuit never hurt anyone!

Ethics for Homes

Every principle of God’s Word that applies to our conduct toward Him and with others has an appli­cation in the home.

A Father’s Example

Now that I’m the father of two boys, Father’s Day means a lot more to me than it used to.

A Mom’s Worth

An article in Forbes asks, “Think you can put a price on motherhood?”