A real home is a gymnasium. The ideal of a healthy body is a basic one to give a child.

A real home is a lighthouse. A lighthouse reveals the breakers ahead and shows a clear way past them.

A real home is a playground. It is a place where the family can enjoy good, clean fun together.

A real home is a workshop. Pity the boy without a kit of tools and the girl without a sewing basket. They haven’t learned the fun of doing things—and there is no fun like it.

A real home is a forum. Honest, open discussion of life’s problems belongs originally in the family circle.

A real home is a secret society. Loyalty to one’s family should mean keeping silent on family matters.

A real home is a health resort. Mothers are the natural physicians.

A real home is a cooperative league. Households flourish where the interest of each is made the interest of all.

A real home is a business concern. Order is a house­wife’s hobby, but order without system is a harness with­out a horse.

A real home is a haven of refuge. The world does this for us all: it makes us hunger for a loving sympathy and a calming, soothing touch.

A real home is a temple of worship.—Ed Purinton in Sunday School Digest

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