Do Children Bother You When You Preach?

On occasion, I am asked the questions, “Can you really see what is going on in the pews?” And, “Do babies and little children bother you when you are preaching?” The answers to these two...

Eternal Revenue Service

I work for the Department of Internal Revenue. Yes, I'm the chap everybody loathes. I go over income tax returns.

I’m Afraid They Won’t Take Baths

Sometimes a parent will say, “I don’t want to make my children go to Bible class or church services.” Why not?

The Safe Channel

A ship’s passenger on the Great Lakes became alarmed as the ship passed near a rocky shore. Fearing that rocks were hidden beneath the surface, she approached the captain. “Do you know where all...
Multicolor chalk on chalkboard

Plenty of Proof

There are more than 300 predictive prophecies in the Old Testament Scriptures concerning Jesus that were recorded centuries before He was born. Each was accurately fulfilled. Unlike modern predictions, note one of the predictions...


Gratitude Years ago, a woman living on a farm in Germany brought to her minister about $10, which was a lot at the time. She explained, “In former years, I have had to pay about this...

The Thank You Company

Ali Spizman was just four years old when she created her own pretend company. She was CEO of the Thank You Company.  When she would hear someone say “Thank you,” she would whisper to her...