Sermons We Can See

I'd rather see a sermon than to hear one any day...

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

When did Jesus pray? - Wendell Winkler
Top view of religious male crossed hands in prayer

ASAP – Always Say A Prayer

Ever wonder about the abbreviation ASAP? It brings to mind hurry and stress—“Get this done as soon as possible.” Let us give it a new meaning.  There is work to do, deadlines to meet. You...

Christianity as Seen in the New Testament

Christianity, as it came from the mind of God, is clearly set forth in the New Testament. The four gospel records—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—give us the account of the earthly life of Christ and...


Gratitude Years ago, a woman living on a farm in Germany brought to her minister about $10, which was a lot at the time. She explained, “In former years, I have had to pay about this...

I’m Giving Up on Organized Religion

Scandal. Abuse. Confusion. Greed. Lies. Argument. Conflict. Hypocrisy. We get it. Why would someone want to be affiliated with organized religion? If it is of so little benefit to those who profess it, how could...
The sacrament of holy communion - bread, wine and bible

Why Churches of Christ Take the Lord’s Supper Each Sunday

Jesus instituted a memorial feast on the eve of His death (Matthew 26:17-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:7-20). To His followers, the bread represents His sacrificed body and the cup His saving blood (1 Corinthians...

Why Go to Church?

Do you really need to go every week?

Worthy of Praise

If we had the tongues of angels, we could not praise God as He deserves to be praised. If we were born speaking praises and had breath to never cease, we could never adequately exalt His name in this life. If every rock could speak, it would praise God. If the stars could sing, their song would be in His honor. If the animals could write, their words would form new praises for their Creator. The very stones would praise Him if the need arose, and a thousand legions of angels would leap to do His will.

My Daddy Prays for Me

When Daddy prays, the house gets still; His voice is slow and deep. We shut our eyes; the clock ticks loud. So quiet we must keep. When Daddy prays, he doesn’t use Those words the preacher does. He prays for...