What to Expect on Your First Visit

A warm welcome, but not a twenty-question interrogation. We know the value of low-key. A simple service—no showy production—just ordinary people offering God sincere worship. Communion with the Lord. We take the Lord’s supper every Sunday,...
The sacrament of holy communion - bread, wine and bible

Why Churches of Christ Take the Lord’s Supper Each Sunday

Jesus instituted a memorial feast on the eve of His death (Matthew 26:17-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:7-20). To His followers, the bread represents His sacrificed body and the cup His saving blood (1 Corinthians...

Worthy of Praise

If we had the tongues of angels, we could not praise God as He deserves to be praised. If we were born speaking praises and had breath to never cease, we could never adequately exalt His name in this life. If every rock could speak, it would praise God. If the stars could sing, their song would be in His honor. If the animals could write, their words would form new praises for their Creator. The very stones would praise Him if the need arose, and a thousand legions of angels would leap to do His will.

Something Special About that Day

“And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight” (Acts 20:7). ...

A Study in Prayer (Psalm 32:6)

Prayer is of interest to every Christian, whether they are beginning the journey or nearing its completion. Perhaps neither ever feels really competent at it. Surely no one has ever gotten from prayer all...

Don’t Short-Circuit Your Prayers

A husband’s prayer life can be short-circuited by his relationship with his wife. Peter wrote that husbands are to dwell with their wives “with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to...

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

When did Jesus pray? - Wendell Winkler

My Daddy Prays for Me

When Daddy prays, the house gets still; His voice is slow and deep. We shut our eyes; the clock ticks loud. So quiet we must keep. When Daddy prays, he doesn’t use Those words the preacher does. He prays for...

Christianity as Seen in the New Testament

Christianity, as it came from the mind of God, is clearly set forth in the New Testament. The four gospel records—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—give us the account of the earthly life of Christ and...

Preparing for Worship

Each Sunday morning my family prepares for worship. Over the years, we have developed a routine to help prepare our bodies and minds to approach the glory of God. If an organized and deliberate...