Glad Tidings of Good Things (September 07, 2017)

Are We a Friendly Congregation? While we must be concerned with doing what we do in worship according to Christ’s expressed will, we must also be sure to reflect His love to strangers, newcomers, outsiders,...

Glad Tidings of Good Things (September 06, 2017)

What Brought You Here? On Sunday, church buildings across our nation filled up with people gathering together for different reasons. For some, it was the social interaction. For some, it was to check the “go to...

I Play for the Minnesota Twins

A time to laugh... - Ecclesiastes 3:4

Lost a Golf Buddy

A poor man is better than a liar. - Proverbs 19:22

Glad Tiding of Good Things (July 21, 2016)

Ten Commandments for Teens Don’t let your parents down; they brought you up (Ephesians 6:1–3). Stop and think before you drink (Proverbs 20:1). Be smart; obey. You yourself will give orders someday (Romans 13:1–5). ...

Glad Tidings of Good Things (June 16, 2016)

Fishing from the Asphalt Herb Miller, in his book Fishing on the Asphalt*, writes that the average church member has listened to 6,000 sermons, heard 8,000 prayers, sung 20,000 hymns over and over, and asked zero...

Glad Tidings of Good Things (September 1, 2016)

We Drank . . . We drank for happiness and became unhappy. We drank for sociability and became argumentative. We drank for friendship and made enemies. We drank for sleep and awakened tired. We...

The Richest Man in Idaho

During the waning years of the depression in a small southeastern Idaho community, I used to stop by Mr. Miller’s roadside stand for farm-fresh produce as the season made it available.  Since food and money...

Move Along

When Christian Herter was governor of Massachusetts, he was running hard for a second term in office. One day, after a busy morning chasing votes (and no lunch), he arrived at a church barbecue....

Dear Bertha

This was written by an 83-year-old woman to her friend. Dear Bertha, I’m reading more and dusting less. I’m sitting in the yard and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the garden. I’m spending...