Lord, Teach Us to Pray

When did Jesus pray? - Wendell Winkler

What He Was Looking For

What are you looking for during worship?

Do I Have to Go to Church?

Through the years, I have often had people ask me the question, “Do I have to go to all of the services of the church? I mean, what if I don’t go on Sunday night?” Well, allow me to answer that question with a few questions of my own...

Things about the Church of Christ That Surprise People: Communion

Communion is a part of worship every Sunday. Those who are unfamiliar with the church of Christ, after a few visits with a congregation, have been heard to say, “You know, the one thing...

The Thank You Company

Ali Spizman was just four years old when she created her own pretend company. She was CEO of the Thank You Company.  When she would hear someone say “Thank you,” she would whisper to her...

Sermons We Can See

I'd rather see a sermon than to hear one any day...

Is It Time to Update?

Times change. The new soon becomes old, the modern is ancient, today's technological breakthrough quickly becomes yesterday's news, the popular is lost in 'the latest,' and the up-to-date is soon out-of-date. Truth doesn't change.

You Should’ve Seen What Happened on Sunday

The view from the pulpit is often interesting. People are so used to watching unresponsive TV and computer screens that they forget preachers can see them! After a while, the unexpected becomes commonplace, and...


Gratitude Years ago, a woman living on a farm in Germany brought to her minister about $10, which was a lot at the time. She explained, “In former years, I have had to pay about this...

Calvary, Not Bethlehem

It happened almost 2,000 years ago, but the residual effect is still with us today. Every time we partake of the Lord’s Supper we are reminded of that moment in history when the sins...