The Richest Man in Idaho

During the waning years of the depression in a small southeastern Idaho community, I used to stop by Mr. Miller’s roadside stand for farm-fresh produce as the season made it available.  Since food and money...

5 Suggestions for a Better Life

When you hear a kind word spoken about a friend, pass it along (Proverbs 3:27; Galatians 6:10). If it’s a negative word, keep it to yourself. As a man, spoil your spouse, not...

God Made Life Interesting

Seeds may be dropped into the ground upside down or sideways, yet the plants come up to the surface. One grain of corn will produce a stalk on which there may be two ears,...

Move Along

When Christian Herter was governor of Massachusetts, he was running hard for a second term in office. One day, after a busy morning chasing votes (and no lunch), he arrived at a church barbecue....

Beatitudes for Teachers

Blessed are the teachers who set a good example before their students in all things: for they are worthy members of a great calling Blessed are the teachers who know their subject: for their students...

10 Ways To Tell You are Getting Old

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. - Proverbs 17:22


Children are great.

Children Explain Angels

Children get most of it right most of the time...

The Stork Brought It- And Other Bits of Wisdom

The children of Family Circus were in a lively discussion about babies. Two truths were unleashed by the little “experts.” “Storks don’t bring babies. They come UPS.” And, “Babies are connected to their...

How to Be Healthier and Better Looking

We have all had those times when we looked in the mirror and have been unimpressed with what we saw. So here are some simple tips to become much healthier and better looking. Want...