• The children of Family Circus were in a lively discussion about babies. Two truths were unleashed by the little “experts.” “Storks don’t bring babies. They come UPS.” And, “Babies are connected to their mothers by a biblical cord.“ Good insight! —Houston Chronicle, May 1 & 3, 1992
  • When a man opens the car door for his wife, you can be sure of one thing: either the car is new or the wife is.
  • A perfect wife is one who helps the husband with the dishes. (No husband ever got into hot water doing the dishes.)
  • New mother to friend: “He’s eating solids now—keys, bits of paper, pencils. 
  • A boy asked his father, “I heard that in some parts of Africa a man doesn’t know his wife until he marries her. Is that true?” Dad: “That happens in most countries, son.”
  • A man is seldom as smart as his mother thinks, or as dumb as his mother-in-law says. Someone else said, “No man is really successful until his mother-in-law admits it.”
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