Do Without Daddy?

Robert R. Taylor, Jr., in a book, Christ in the Home, relates the following story...

A Family Is…

Families are so many different things...

Smart Dad

My wife and I have reared two daughters through adolescence. We have two ground rules in regard to their dating.

True Love

The Bible is a book about love. It assumes that married couples love each other and rejoice together (Ecclesiastes 9:9). Isaac loved Rebekah, and she brought comfort into his life (Genesis 24:67). Uriah the Hittite nourished and cherished Bathsheba (2...
Family care

Thoughts on Family

We Are We; They Are They Rudyard Kipling once wrote about families, “All of us are we—and everyone else is they.” A family shares things like dreams, hopes, possessions, memories, smiles, frowns, and gladness. A...

I’m Afraid They Won’t Take Baths

Sometimes a parent will say, “I don’t want to make my children go to Bible class or church services.” Why not?

On the Home Front

Do It Together A Florida church holding monthly events for the entire family had trouble with parents dropping their kids off and not staying for the events. They remedied the problem with this announcement: “The...

The Benefits of Kissing

Here's a bit of interesting news...

Consider the Children

Children are precious. They were brought into this world through no desire of their own. Many are abused, used as pawns, neglected, denied, and betrayed. Such is not fair.  Dr. R. F. Hertz, a British...