
Must Christians tithe?

Bob Prichard Topic(s): Bible Study, Worship The custom of giving a tithe, which means a tenth, to priests and kings is a very ancient custom. Genesis 14 gives the first Bible reference to a tithe. After...
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Should I be re-baptized? I believe Jesus died for my sins and was baptized...

Topic(s): Baptism, Salvation Todd Clippard The Bible teaches there are some things we must believe before we can be scripturally baptized. One is what you have already stated--a faith in the sacrificial death of Jesus for...

Things About the church of Christ that Surprise People

Due to a strict emphasis on following only the Bible (rather than a mixture of Scripture and tradition), the church of Christ differs from other religious groups. Often people are pleasantly surprised-even refreshed-to learn...

What did Jacob take when he took Esau’s birthright?

The birthright was the natural privilege of the firstborn son. Receiving the birthright, the firstborn would become the head of the family, and would have charge of the family, including the family property.
Questions and answer concept.

Was John’s baptism for the remission of sins?

Topic(s): Salvation Todd Clippard Mark 1:4 teaches that John's baptism, during the time of its validity, was for the remission of sins. The phrase "for the remission of sins" means 'for the purpose of obtaining remission...
Wrist hands, team building and business people support diversity, group and collaboration, cooperat

Where did all the different races originate?

Topic(s): Bible Infallibility, Science Todd Clippard Most scholars generally agree the Caucasian peoples are the descendants of Japheth. Shem is considered the father of the Asian (sometimes called Mongoloid) peoples, and Ham the father of the...
A young man is reading the holy scriptures pointing to a Bible topic. bible book Bible reading

When was the first Sabbath day, and why do so many people fail to...

Topic(s): Bible Authority, Old Testament, Worship Todd Clippard The first mention of the sabbath is Genesis 2:3. Actually, the text only identifies the day as the seventh day. The first mention of the word sabbath does...

If only eight people were on the ark, where did the races come from?

The census of those on the ark included Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, Noah’s wife, and the three wives of his sons (Genesis 7:13). With these four men and four women, the earth was repopulated after the flood.
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At the last supper Jesus said to the disciples he would not drink wine...

Topics(s) Lord's Supper; Bible Study, Worship Todd Clippard First, the statement made by Jesus was He would not drink it until he drank it with them in His Father's kingdom (Matthew 26:26-29). This kingdom does not...

What verse says we are to assemble every first day of the week?

I believe the verse you are looking for is Hebrews 10:25. There are also other passages that indicate the church is to come together on the first day of every week: Acts 20:6-7; 1...