Tag: v25n9
No Neutrality
Pilate could wash his hands, but he could not wash Jesus’ blood off his conscience.
We cannot be neutral...
Did the Disciples Steal the Naked Body of Jesus?
Some explain away the resurrection by saying the apostles stole the body of Jesus from the tomb. His enemies were the first...
Suggestions for Bible Reading
To best interpret the Bible, read sections instead of randomly-selected verses. A chapter (26 verses on average) is a good rule of...
Four Truths about Rules
Christians are not subject to man-made rules. Paul warned against commandments of men such as, “Do not touch . . . taste...
A House Is Not a Home
A house is not a home; it is many things.It is a kitchen stove on which a kettle sings.
Don’t Short-Circuit Your Prayers
A husband’s prayer life can be short-circuited by his relationship with his wife. Peter wrote that husbands are to dwell with their...
God Must Love Giggles
A second-grade school teacher observing her little charges on the playground thought, “God must love giggles.” He wants us to be joyful.
Do All Roads Lead to Heaven?
Two sisters went driving Sunday afternoons with the goal of getting lost. Taking random turns at intersections, trying new roads, going farther and farther...