Delicious Christmas meal with set table, Christmas feast

The Great and Precious Promises of God

During the Great War, two poor boys who had been living on very meager rations in the city were sent far into the country to live on a farm. There was plenty of food....
Studio microphone on the mic stand with gray background. Copy space.

This Ain’t Yo Momma’s Church

I guess I should have expected it, but I just was not ready for the commercial I heard recently. My family and I were driving out of town and listening to a popular radio...

The Value of Discipline

Bill Toomey ranks as one of America's great twentieth-century athletes.   He brought the gold medal for the decathlon back to the United States in the 1960s. I was a member of Bill Toomey's track team...
Excellent Idea Concept

What Can I Do to Help the Church Grow?

A George Barna survey studied people who visited a local congregation. He found that 78 percent loved being greeted by individuals who sat around them at the end of the service. 72 percent did...

Sermons We Can See

I'd rather see a sermon than to hear one any day...

One-Liner Church Wisdom

People are funny. They want the front of the bus, the middle of the road, and the back of the church building.  Opportunity may knock once, but temptation bangs on your door again...
Middle-aged woman with cancer dying

What about “Death Bed” Salvation?

The emphasis of the Bible concerning salvation is always on “today.”  Quoting Isaiah, Paul said, “In an acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you. Behold, now...
African American man pulling money out of wallet

A Church Where Visitors Are Not Expected to Give

Money can be a sensitive topic. Many have been turned away from Christianity because of religious leaders’ attitudes toward money. Not a few had bad personal experiences in churches due to it. It is not...

Sincerity Is Not Enough

In a New York hospital several years ago, carbon dioxide instead of oxygen was mis­takenly administered to a patient. According to the police report, the patient died almost instantly. The unfortunate patient died in spite...
A little bit nervous about this business.

Christians Make Me Nervous

  “And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch” (Acts 11:26).  Christianity is under attack. It has always been and will always be. Why? The answer is found in the Scriptures: “This is the condemnation,...