Ignore them . . . and they will likely go away. Some return in later years to love the Lord, but most drift through life toward perdition.

Entertain them . . . and we will produce a group that stays long enough to empty the punch bowl and clean up the sandwich tray.

Humor them . . . and develop the concept that the church is not to be taken seriously.

Educate them in the Bible . . . and we can expect them to know what they are to do as Christians.

Edify them . . . and they will grow spiritually.

Give them responsibility . . . and they will value service to the Lord.

Love them . . . and they will be responsible.

Be an example to them . . . and they will be serious about the life that the Lord wants them to live.

Parents: Are we doing our very best for the spiritual welfare of our children?

As in infant, we took him or her to the doctor. He did not want to go. He knew it would hurt. He complained and rebelled; yet we still took him for treatment. He used the typical excuses, such as, “I don’t think I need to go.” We replied, “It isn’t as bad as you think it will be.” Did we let his inexperienced decisions outweigh ours? No. We knew best, and he went to the doctor . . . regardless of what he thought best.

What are we doing today about his spiritual health? Have we thought of its importance? Our child may give a rebellious excuse for not attending spiritual activities. Should we  accept an inexperienced, flimsy excuse? We did not accept them when facing physical health and we must not accept any excuse for our child’s spiritual health.

Take your child to the Great Physician (Ephesians 6:4; Deuteronomy 6:1–6). —Author Unknown

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