Take This Communication Test

Take this test with your mate. Insert your spouse’s name in the blank and answer the questions as you think your spouse sees you. (Copy this sheet if possible or keep your answers on...

Try a Little Tenderness

As a parent, do you ever feel like all you do is say “no” to your children? Do you feel guilty for seeming to correct all the time? I do!  Sometimes I feel like a...
Man proposed for marriage

Serious About Those Vows

What are some “do’s” and “don’ts” in avoiding sexual temptations?  Do keep visual reminders of your marriage contract. Always wear your wedding ring when in public. Keep pictures of your spouse in your wallet,...
family walking in summer park

Do Try This at Home

A national survey of strong families conducted by the Human Development and Family Department at the University of Nebraska—Lincoln provided the following profile of a strong family:  Appreciation. “Family members gave one another compliments and...