Back on the farm, I remember that when something broke down, my father would get out his toolbox and make the repairs. As a child, I was always fascinated by his toolbox and its contents. It seemed my father could fix almost anything with the tools inside.

From the beginning, God has designated husbands/fathers as the leaders of the home. Fathers have a great responsibility in making sure the whole family goes the right direction in the name of the Lord. The Christian father needs to have his spiritual toolbox at the ready. Some of the tools he needs include the following:

  • Adjustable wrench: Fathers must be able to adapt to any situation that arises.
  • Carpenter’s pencil: Fathers must be able to draw the boundaries for the family so that all can clearly see them.
  • Level: Fathers must be fair and keep a level head in all circumstances.
  • Pliers: Fathers must be able to hold everything together, even when everybody else may be losing their grip.
  • Hammer: Fathers must be effective in driving home important truths.
  • Utility knife: Fathers must be able to cleanly separate and remove undesirable things and influences so that they do not harm the family.
  • Screwdriver: Fathers must keep turning their families in the right direction to keep them secure.
  • Tape measure: Fathers must be measuring and monitoring the family’s resources, priorities, and use of time.
  • Duct tape: Fathers must be ready to apply a “quick fix” to problems so that they do not get out of hand, holding them in check until a permanent solution is found.
  • Extension cord: Fathers must plug into the proper power source (prayer, Scripture) and distribute energy to every family member. 

Fathers are important, and they must use the proper tools and take the time to build and mend the family into a strong structure for the Lord. —Edd Sterchi, Campbellsville, Kentucky (via Watertown, Tennessee, Church of Christ)

Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4

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