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Beatitudes for Teachers

Blessed are the teachers who set a good example before their students in all things: for they are worthy members of a great calling

Blessed are the teachers who know their subject: for their students shall learn much.

Blessed are the teachers who share with their students that which they have learned: for this is the true nature of teaching.

Blessed are the teachers who strive to understand their students: for they will be able to comfort and guide them.

Blessed are the teachers who make provision for differences in individuals: for their students will rise up and praise them for their understanding.

Blessed are the teachers who make their work interesting and profitable: for they shall attract many into their classes.

Blessed are the teachers who exhibit self-control: for they shall influence their students to do likewise.

Blessed are the teachers who plan their work wisely: for their students shall be lead to more successful understandings.

Blessed are the teachers who use a variety of methods: for their classes do not become dull.

Blessed are the teachers who maintain good classroom order: for they are leading their students toward self-discipline.

Blessed are the teachers who are fair and impartial in evaluating students’ work: for they shall enjoy the respect and loyalty of their students.

Blessed are the teachers who accept criticism constructively: for they shall improve their efficiency and their personality.

Blessed are the teachers who work cooperatively with their associates: for they shall be worthy of recommendation.

Blessed are the teachers who hunger and thirst after new materials and ideas: for they shall broaden their own perspective of teaching.

Blessed art thou, teacher, though your reward may seem small, and some may criticize you, and rebuke you, and say all manner of discouraging things to you – Rejoice; and be exceeding glad: for yours is a great work!

And he began to teach them – Mark 8:31


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