Darrell Holt was the preacher for the Figueroa church of Christ in Los Angeles, California. On Sunday, October 25, 2015, he drew his last breath.

It seemed to be just like any other Sunday and any other sermon. As he came to the end of his lesson, he stepped down from the podium and told the congregation he needed to sit down.

While resting on the front pew, and in his final breaths, he uttered the words, “If you’re not a Christian, say yes to Him. You’ve heard the Word. Believe it. Repent of your sins, confess Christ, be baptized.”

After these incredible words, Darrell Holt became unresponsive. Several members with medical training administered CPR until the paramedics arrived and rushed him to the hospital. Sadly, all efforts were unsuccessful. He passed away a short time later at the hospital. He had drawn his last breath, uttered his last words, and taken his last action.

Every breath we take brings us closer to our last. We do not know when our final life-sustaining draw will be. While we should not live in a panic, we need to live with a sense of urgency.

We do not know what our lives will be like tomorrow, or even if we will have a tomorrow (James 4:14). Like the rich farmer, tonight could be when we leave this world (Luke 12:16–21).

Darrell Holt used his final words to tell people what they needed to do to be saved. As we near our end, let’s leave no unfinished business. If life ended today, what would we regret? Who would we wish we had tried to reach with the gospel? What sins would we wish were forgiven? What relationships would we wish we had tried to mend? What apologies would we wish we had made? What words of love would we wish we had expressed?

Possibly thinking about such things, David wrote these humbling words: “Lord, make me to know my end, and what is the measure of my days, that I may know how frail I am. Indeed, You have made my days as handbreadths, and my age is as nothing before You; certainly every man at his best state is but vapor” (Psalm 39:4–5).

Let’s seize the moment. Let’s fix what needs fixing. Let’s use every breath we take today for good and for God.—Brent Petrillo, Denver, Colorado

“Life is even a vapor” James 4:14

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