Todd Clippard

Topic(s): Worship

The New Testament teaches by command and example that the church should come together each Lord’s Day (1 Corinthians 11:18-20; 16:1-2; Acts 20:6-7). A time is not specified for this gathering.

Most congregations meet on Sunday morning and on Sunday evening. The evening meeting, as most of us know it, originated in the Twentieth Century as our nation became less rural. By the middle of the last century, most Christians did not have to travel several miles by wagon, horseback, or by foot to attend services. Most owned automobiles and lived relatively close to the meeting place. It was deemed a good thing for the church to meet as often as possible, especially on Sunday when most brethren did not have to work. The Wednesday evening meeting has similar origins.

There is no command for the church to meet in the evening (once it has met earlier in the day), but we do know the early church met every day according to Acts 2:42-47. This daily meeting was not commanded of the church, but those Christians living in close proximity earnestly desired the fellowship and teaching that was the result of such meetings.

Elderships have the authority in the local church in matters of expediency (Hebrews 13:7, 17; 1 Peter 5:1-4). If the elders deem it wise and good for the church to meet on Sunday evenings and/or Wednesday evenings, then we are obligated to accept that judgment and follow their lead. Deliberate absence from said gatherings is a rejection of their divinely given authority (Acts 20:28), and thus a rejection of God.

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