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Worship God

Worship has nothing to do with the song leader or the talent of the preacher…

Henry Ward Beecher, the famous pulpit orator, once had to be absent and his brother was invited to speak for him.

The church house was crowded, but when it became evident that the eloquent Henry Beecher was not going to appear, many started to leave. Beecher’s brother was not disturbed. He stood up before the murmuring crowd, called for silence and said, “All who came this morning to worship Henry W. Beecher may now leave. The rest will remain and worship God”.

What are we doing in our assemblies? Some, like the Athenians, come only to hear the preacher say something (Acts 17:20-21). Is it relevant? Is it positive? Are mental guidelines used in judging sermons? Some attend to judge the singing, the prayers, or the friendliness of the congregation. These go away with a host of criticisms.

Why do we gather for worship? Some are here to get it over with for a week; to get their tickets validated once more. But those who are here because they need strength in carrying their crosses know the value of worship. Worship has nothing to do with the song leader or the talent of the preacher. It has to do with you and your God.

Norman Easter, You and Worship, The Voice of Truth International, Vol. 34, p. 55.

Oh come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God. – Psalm 95:6-7


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