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The Shredder
What He Was Looking For
Worship God

What He Was Looking For

What are you looking for during worship?

Jim Smith went to church one Sunday morning.

He heard the song leader miss a note, and he winced. He saw a teenager talking when everybody was supposed to be bowed in prayer. He felt like the usher was watching to see what he put in the offering plate, and it made him boil. He caught the preacher making a slip of the tongue five times in the sermon, by actual count. As he slipped out through the side door during the closing hymn, he muttered to himself, “Never again. What a bunch of clods and hypocrites.”

Ron Jones went to church one Sunday morning.

The church sang A Mighty Fortress, and he thrilled to the majesty of it. He was glad to hear that the church was sharing in a special offering for the mission work in Nigeria. He especially appreciated the sermon that Sunday – it answered a question that had bothered him for a long time. He thought, as he walked out the door, “How could a man come here and not feel the presence of God?” Both men went to the same church service on the same Sunday morning. Each found what he was looking for.

Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. – Psalm 29:2


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