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Ten Commandments of Human Relations

1. Thou Shalt Love People, Not Just Use Them (Matthew 22:39). The greatest thing in the world is a person. The greatest thing about a person is his motives, and the greatest motive is love.

2. Thou Shalt Develop Thy Understanding (Matthew 7:12; 1 Peter 3:6). ‘If every man’s care were written on his brow, how many would our pity share, who bear our envy now?’

3. Thou Shalt Compliment More Than Criticize (1 Peter 3:10; Romans 14:19). We should cover our neighbor’s fault with a cloak of charity; we may need a circus tent to cover our own.

4. Thou Shalt Not Often Get Angry (Ephesians 4:26). If we are right, we don’t need to. If we are wrong, we can’t afford to.

5. Thou Shalt Not Argue (Ephesians 4:32). It’s no use to win the argument and lose the relationship. Beware of the attitude which says: ‘In matters controversial, my attitude is fine. I always see two points of view-the one that’s wrong and mine.’

6. Thou Shalt Be Kind (1 Corinthians 13:4). Be kind to people you meet on the way up; they are the ones you meet on the way down. It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.

7. Thou Shalt Have a Sense of Humor (Proverbs 17:22). A sense of humor is to a man what springs are to a wagon. It saves him lots of jolts.

8. Thou Shalt Smile (cf. Ecclesiastes 3:4) . No man is ever fully dressed until he has a smile on his face.

Powder your face with sunshine,

Put on a great big smile.

Make up your eyes with laughter,

Folks will be laughing with you in a little while.

Whistle a tune of gladness,

Gloom never was worthwhile.

The future’s brighter when hearts are lighter,

So, smile, smile, smile.

9. Thou Shalt Practice What Thou Preachest (Romans 2:21). One example is worth one thousand arguments.

10. Thou shalt go to school under the Headmaster of the Universe John 14:6). He is the Master of Men, the Secretary of Human Relations-namely, Jesus Christ. He is the greatest leader the world has ever known.

    • I am too blessed to be stressed!
    • It is better to appreciate things you do not have, than to have things that you do not appreciate.
    • One who kneels to God can stand up to anything.
    • We all live under the same sky, but we do not all have the same horizon. -Konrad Adenauer
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