Speaking Topics for Allen Webster
These topics are grouped in series according to length and purpose. Topics in each series can be mixed and matched but work well as listed (tested in various combinations over the years). These can be adapted to lectureships and podcasts/radio/TV. To inquire about dates or with questions, email allen@housetohouse.com or text/call 256-452-3680. (Email or text preferred.)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
One Shot Sundays
(Special Sundays, Homecomings, Fill-in)
Since moving from local work to teaching, more Sundays are open—especially between and within a two-hour radius of Jacksonville, Alabama and Memphis, Tennessee. I often speak on whatever I am working on at the time, but if a church wants to advertise a topic, then 3-part lesson series include:
- The Whole Bible in One Day (3 lessons). Recommended.
- Don’t Quit in a Pit (3 lessons)
- Three Facts that Changed the World Forever (Death, Burial, Resurrection)
- Is Jesus still in a Grave Somewhere? The Most Important Truth in Scripture (3 lessons)
- Don’t Give Up. Don’t Ever Give up (3 lessons)
- Great Texts of the Bible (John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8, Matthew 16:18; Mark 16:16)
- Combination of lessons from list below (and many single titles below can expand to 3 lessons).
Weekend Seminars
4000 Years in Three Days: The Bible’s Big Picture
- Skipping Stones Across the Pond of Time (The Patriarchal Dispensation)
- The First Three Great Prophecies of Jesus
- Four Questions about the Law (The Mosaic Dispensation)
- The Whole New Testament in 12 Verses (1)
- The Whole New Testament in 12 Verses (2)
- Do Not Read the Bible and Miss This
Usual Format: 3 days/6 Lessons
- Friday: 6:00/7:00 p.m. (2 lessons)
- Saturday: 6:00/7:00 p.m. (2 lessons). This can be expanded with day sessions.
- Sunday: 10:00/11:00 a.m. (2 lessons) (adjusted to regular meeting times/can add PM service.)
Alternate schedules:
- Thursday-Sunday (7-8 lessons total) or Sunday-Wednesday (6 lessons)
- Expanded weekend: Add morning sessions (9:00 a.m.-12:00) to Saturday’s schedule (9 lessons)
- One-day format—Saturday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 or 6:00-9:00 p.m. (6 lessons)
- Two-day format—Saturday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 or 6:00-9:00 p.m. and Sunday class/AM worship (8 lessons)
How to Study the Bible
A very practical, hands-on series which generally creates high interest.
- Why You Should Always Carry a Red Bible
- The Ten Commandments of Bible Study (1)
- The Ten Commandments of Bible Study (2)
- A Brief Overview of the Bible
- Let Us Mark our Bibles (Old Testament)
- Let Us Mark our Bibles (New Testament)
Revive Us Again Series
This series is for a discouraged church. This also works well for a Sunday (Lessons 1, 3, 6).
- Sitting Under the Juniper Tree (1 Kings 19) (1): What got Elijah down
- Sitting Under the Juniper Tree (1 Kings 19) (2): What God did to bring Elijah up
- Don’t Give Up. Don’t Ever Give Up (1): Joseph and Job
- Don’t Give Up. Don’t Ever Give Up (2): Peter and the Rich Fool
- Don’t Quit in a Pit. A Study of Psalm 42.
- Grace, Grace Everywhere (An Overview of Grace in the New Testament)
- The Half Has Never Yet Been Told. Heaven Will Surely Be Worth It All.
Church Growth Series: Let Us Rise Up and Build
This series is to motivate a church to evangelism and growth.
- How’s Your Vision?
- How to Find Your Place
- How to Set Your Goals
- Success Is Tied to People, Not Ideas
- Increasing Passion in the Body of Christ
- Principles of Time Management
Two Sunday Meetings
A new format the Gatlinburg (TN) church used is six lessons in eight days—3 on Sunday, 1 on Wednesday, and 2 on the next Sunday. It is for a church that has a hard time getting members to come at times other than regular services. I use the off days for writing and study for preacher training. This format works well in the “off season” for meetings (November-February). Choose any 6-lesson series.
Gospel Meetings/Revivals
The first series is aimed at members of the local congregation and stronger members from congregations who typically attend.
General Meeting I
This is recommended for a first meeting.
- Class: Sitting Under the Juniper Tree (1 Kings 19)
- AM: Words Written on an Asylum Wall
- PM: He Had No Servants, But They Called Him Master
- MON: 4000 Years in 40 Minutes. An Overview of the Bible
- TUES: Five Views of Mark 16:16
- WED: Grace, Grace Everywhere (An Overview of Grace in the New Testament)
- THURS: Can I Interest You in Some Property in New Jerusalem?
Note: If the meeting ends Wednesday, omit Tuesday’s topic, and move others up.
General Meeting II
This is a similar series for a second meeting or alternative to Series I.
- The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ
- Grace, Grace Everywhere (An Overview of Grace in the New Testament)
- The New Testament in 12 Verses (1)
- The New Testament in 12 Verses (2)
- Why Churches of Christ Do Not Use Instruments
- The Devil’s Boat
- Heaven’s Bucket List
Evangelistic Series
This series is a gospel meeting preached with non-Christians in mind.
- Words Written on an Asylum Wall (on the Love of God)
- 4000 Years in 40 Minutes—An Overview of the Bible
- Seven Simple Facts about the Judgment
- A 56-Billion Dollar Mistake (What Must I Do to Be Saved?)
- Five Views of Mark 16:16
- The First Christians
- Does God Care about Instruments? (Why churches of Christ Do Not Use Musical Instruments)
- Paul’s Favorite Word
- The Most Remarkable Conversion in the Bible
- A Mystery Ticket to Eternity
- When the Door Was Shut
- Can I Interest You in Some Property in New Jerusalem?
Note: This is enough for two meetings, so you can pick and choose. I can give descriptions of each.
Encouraging Series
This series is for a discouraged church.
- Sitting Under the Juniper Tree (1 Kings 19) (1): What got Elijah down
- Sitting Under the Juniper Tree (1 Kings 19) (2): What God did to bring Elijah up
- Don’t Give Up. Don’t Ever Give Up (1): Joseph and Job
- Don’t Give Up. Don’t Ever Give Up (2): Peter and the Rich Fool
- Don’t Quit in a Pit. A Study of Psalm 42.
- 5 Bible Pictures of Hope (1)
- 5 Bible Pictures of Hope (2)
- Grace, Grace Everywhere (An Overview of Grace in the New Testament)
- The Half Has Never Yet Been Told. Heaven Will Surely Be Worth It All.
- Common Questions about Heaven
Note: This also works well for a Sunday (pick 3 lessons).
Textual Series: The Book of Matthew—He Had No Servants, But They Called Him Master
- Has Paternity Ever Been Established in the Bethlehem Case?
- The Baptism of the King
- Showdown in the Wilderness
- A Teacher Come from God
- The Sermon that Nearly God Jesus Killed
- Mighty Deeds
- The Night the Mask Slipped Off
- Jesus Loves Me, This I Know
- A Trip Back to Calvary
- Three Things Jesus Did with His Last Breath
- Up from the Grave He Arose (Five Evidences of the Resurrection—Can be three lessons)
- What Will It Be Like When Jesus Comes?
Note: Some churches add morning classes to a gospel meeting and use this as a second series the same week. These can be combined/expanded to fit any format series (from one lesson to twenty-eight). It is a good fit for a seminar (see format below).
Textual Series II—A Meeting on a Sermon
This is an entire meeting based on Jesus’ Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24-25). This is a deeper study but still focuses on practical motivation from Jesus’ second coming.
- Two Questions, Two Worlds, Two Destinies (overview)
- A Rapture and a 1,000 More Years on Earth?
- What Will It Be Like When Jesus Comes?
- When the Door Was Shut
- Seven Simple Facts about the Judgment
- The Only Four Things for Which We Will Be Judged
- The Difference Between Everlasting and Eternal
Textual Series III: The Gospel of the Underdog—A Portrait of a Perfect Man (The Book of Luke)
- Jesus Remembered His Creator in the Days of His Youth (Luke 2:40-52)
- Jesus Was Baptized to Please God (Luke 3:20-23)
- Jesus Successfully Resisted Strong Temptation (Luke 4:1-13)
- Jesus Made a Habit of Worshipping God (Luke 4:16-24)
- Jesus Did Not Sin While in Conflict with Others (Luke 4:28-31; 9:52-56)
- Jesus Was Sensitive to the Pain of Others (Luke 5:12-15, 18-25)
- Jesus Was a Man of Great Integrity
- Jesus Was a Man of Prayer (Luke 6:12)
- Jesus Loved Everybody—Especially the Underdog (Luke 7:36–50; 10:38-42)
- Jesus Did Not Love Money and Things (Luke 12:13-24, 32-34)
- Jesus Was Courageous Under Fire
- Jesus Is Alive Forevermore (Luke 24)
Bible Knowledge Series: Getting to Know Your Bible
- How to Study the Bible
- 4000 Years in 40 Minutes. An Overview of the Bible (1) (Old Testament)
- 4000 Years in 40 Minutes. The Day the Law Changed (2)
- 4000 Years in 40 Minutes. An Overview of the Bible (3) (New Testament)
- Little Known Facts about the Bible and Old Testament
- Little Known Facts about the New Testament
- The New Testament in 12 Verses
- The Pentateuch (Moses-Deuteronomy)
- A Nation’s History in One Sitting (Joshua-Esther)
- The “Heart” of the Old Testament (Books of Poetry)
- A Look at the Major Prophets and Their Prophecies
- A Look at the Minor Prophets and Their Prophecies
Note: This series can be expanded to fit any format.
Biographical Series: The Seven Great Characters of the Bible
Character studies are practical and popular.
- Abraham—Thy Name Shall Be Great
- Joseph—Thirteen Chapters and No Sins
- David—The Man After God’s Own Heart
- Daniel—One Hundred Years of Excellence
- Peter—From Fisherman to Shepherd to Heaven
- Paul—Turn Around and Go Twelve Thousand Miles
- Jesus—The Prince of Peace
Bible Postcards Series
This series looks at the Bible’s one-chapter books.
- Obadiah
- Philemon (2 lessons)
- Second John
- Third John
- Jude (2 lessons)
Apologetics Series: Many Infallible Proofs (Acts 1:3)
Popular with teens through 40-somethings. Their world is not the one their grandparents grew up in.
- Worldviews
- The Heavens Declare
- The Inspiration of the Scriptures
- Are There Contradictions in the Bible?
- Can You Trust Your Bible? (How Reliable Is the Bible?)
- Should We Take the Bible Literally?
- Satan’s Four Lies about the Bible
- Sitting in Judgment on the Bible
- Are There Mistakes in Genesis?
- Did the Apostles Invent the Gospel?
- Defending the Resurrection (1)
- Defending the Resurrection (2)
- The Audacious Claims of Jesus
- Can I Opt Out of Religion?
Preacher Training/Men’s Days/Retreats
Write to the Glory of God
Session 1: Catch the Rabbit (Finding ideas)
- General rabbit traps
- Traps for baby rabbits (beginning writers)
- Traps for old rabbits (ideas for advanced writing)
Session 2: What Do I Do After I Catch the Rabbit?
- Prepare your kitchen and collect kitchen utensils useful for rabbit cooking (gathering tools)
- Marinate the Rabbit (Developing the idea)
Session 3: Cook the Rabbit (Practical Nuts-and-Bolts writing advice)
Session 4: Trim the Fat (Writing with concision and precision)
Session 5: Prepare Rabbit for Serving, Preserving Leftovers
- Polishing for excellence, avoiding blind spots and misunderstandings, tweaking for the intended audience
- What to do with an article or blog post once it is published to maximize use
Session 6: What Kind of Writer Do You Want to Be?
- What all writers of the gospel must bring to the table (desire to glorify God, sound doctrine, pure heart, prayer, desire for excellence)
- Specialty writing (Apologetics, Restoration history, commentary, current needs)
Session 7: Writing for Churches, Getting Published
- Practical tips for writing letters, bulletin articles, letters of reference, Plans of work, and others
- Practical advice for getting articles into circulation and books into print.
Session 8: Q/A
The seminar is posted on the Memphis School of Preaching website. The series can be extended to 10 lessons or shortened to seven lessons (omit Q&A).
Motivational Series
This series works well for men’s days or preacher school/university Bible department seminars.
- Seeing the End from the Beginning: Putting an Old Man’s Head on a Young Man’s Shoulders
- The Four Great Lists of Life
- Plugging the Leaks
- A $25,000 Idea (that won’t cost you anything)
- Off to a Fast Start: The First 100 Days of your First Work
- Saving Time. For What?
- Developing Good Habits: The Next 100 Days
- Leaving a Legacy: The Seven Best Ways to Die
Time Management Series
This series works for a preacher schools, university Bible classes, men’s day, or gospel meetings.
- The Four Great Lists of Life
- Plugging the Leaks
- A $25,000 Idea (that won’t cost you anything)
- Work Hard When You Don’t Have to, So You Won’t Have to Work Hard When You Don’t Want To
- Saving Time. For What?
- Developing Good Habits: The Next 100 Days
- Leaving a legacy: The Seven Best Ways to Die
Wednesday Night Series/Miscellaneous Lessons
- The Providence of God
- The 22 Most Important Words Ever Spoken on Marriage
- The Drink of Choice at the Devil’s Banquet (A Study of Alcohol)
- Where Do We Go When We Die?
- Any topic listed in this document can stand alone.
Seminars/Continuing Education Classes
Seminars are designed for those who like scuba-study—go deeper and stay down longer. They are generally attended by fewer people who are serious Bible students. It allows for accelerated knowledge growth and fellowship with like-minded people who love Bible study. If you host a seminar, then plan to invite other congregations to bring your numbers up. These are normally held in a fellowship hall rather than an auditorium and are less formal than a gospel meeting (snacks, discussion).
Seminar Formats 1-2:
- Sunday: 4 lessons (10:00/11:00 a.m./5:00/6:00 p.m.)
- Monday: 2/3 lessons (6:00-8:00 or 9:00 p.m.)
- Tuesday: 2/3 lessons (6:00-8:00 or 9:00 p.m.)
- Wednesday: 2/3 lessons (6:00-8:00 or 9:00 p.m.) Finished if following 6:00-9:00 p.m. format.
- Thursday: 2 lessons (6:00-8:00 p.m.)
- Friday: 2 lessons (6:00-8:00 p.m.)
Seminar Format 3:
- Thursday: 6:00-9:00 p.m.
- Friday: 6:00-9:00 p.m.
- Saturday: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. (or 8:00-3:00). (Can return for 6:00-8:00 p.m. if want to end early.)
- Sunday: 4 lessons (10:00/11:00 a.m./5:00/6:00 p.m.) (Some series can end after AM service.)
Note: These series are adaptable to a gospel meeting format (with fewer sessions).
Seminar 1: The New Testament Church
This includes about a 100 pages of handouts, so all students finish with a notebook of reference material. It can be a seminar (14 hours) or gospel meeting (7 hours). You may pick and choose lessons for a gospel meeting (Italics=my suggestions).
- The Church Purposed and Promised
- Amazing Prophecies of the Church
- Church Shadows: Types of the Church in the Old Testament
- The Church Jesus Talked About
- The Church Founder and Head
- God’s Red-letter Day: The Establishment of the Church (Acts 2)
- Authority in the Church: Jesus—Spirit—Apostles—Word
- The Mission of the Church
- Leadership in the Church: Elders, Deacons, Evangelists
- Nature of the Church: Kingdom, Body, Temple, Vine, Army
- The Organization of the Church
- Jerusalem: The Model Church
- The History of the Church: Apostacy, Reformation, Restoration
- Does the Church One Attends Make Any Difference?
- Is the Church of the Bible on the Earth Today?
- How to Identify the Church among so Many
- The Church Illustrated: God’s Hospital, Post Office, Greenhouse, Hope Chest
- Four Ways Satan Attacks Churches
- What Does the Church Have to Offer Me?
- Building God a Great Congregation
- Why I Love the Church
Note: In a seminar, some sessions cover two or more topics.
Seminar 2: Daniel—Chapter by Chapter
The full seminar takes 14 hours, but it can be abbreviated for a meeting. It includes about a 100 pages of handouts, so students finish with their own commentary. (Italics=my suggestions for a gospel meeting.)
- Introduction
- Daniel Promoted (chapter 1)
- Nebuchadnezzar’s Image (2)
- Fiery Furnace (3)
- Nebuchadnezzar’s Insanity (4)
- Belshazzar’s Feast (5)
- Lion’s Den (6)
- Four Beasts (7)
- Ram and He-Goat (8)
- Seventy Weeks (9)
- Angel’s Visit (10)
- Troublesome Times (11)
- End Times (12)
- Summary
Seminar 3: Principles of Writing (See topics Above)
Check back! Lessons added regularly. New topics may be requested and prepared. I am currently planning series on:
- How to Study the Bible (expanded from above titles)
- Walking in the Light: Studies in 1 John
- Help Lord! I’m Hurting: Studies in 1 and 2 Peter
- The World’s Gone Crazy: Studies in Judges
- Ruth: The Bible’s Love Story
- Victory! Lessons from Joshua
- David’s Early Years: Lessons from 1 Samuel
- We Have It So Much Better: Studies in Hebrews