If People Knew What I’d Done, They’d Never Let Me in Church

“Church is for good people, and I won’t really fit in.” “Church is for believers, and I have some doubts.” “Church is for families, and I’m from a broken home.” “Church is for people with good habits,...

Christianity as Seen in the New Testament

Christianity, as it came from the mind of God, is clearly set forth in the New Testament. The four gospel records—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—give us the account of the earthly life of Christ and...

Back— to the Future

Churches of Christ are committed to restoring the teaching and practice of New Testament Christianity in its purity. We believe “the seed is the word of God” (Luke 8:11), and that it will produce in...

I’m Looking for a Church That Is Not So…

Many thousands of people search out a new church each year. They often research congregations in their area, ask around, and then personally visit the short list in a month of Sundays. Let’s consider some...

You Should’ve Seen What Happened on Sunday

The view from the pulpit is often interesting. People are so used to watching unresponsive TV and computer screens that they forget preachers can see them! After a while, the unexpected becomes commonplace, and...
Marked checkboxses drawn with chalk on black background

Facts About the New Testament Church

Founder: Christ (Matthew 16:18) Place: Jerusalem Isaiah 2:1–3; Acts 2:5 Time: ad 33 (Daniel 2:44; Acts 2) Head: Christ (Ephesians 1:22) Organization:  Christ as the head (Ephesians 5:23) Elders oversee the local church (Hebrews 13:17; Titus 1:5) Deacons...

Christianity Without Denominationalism?

Can you have a church without it being a denomination? Yes! By following the Gospel pattern Jesus and His apostles taught, we can duplicate today the dynamic church found in the Book of Acts.

Why Become a Member of the Church of Christ?

Why should a person become a member of the church of Christ? May I offer some rea­sons for your consideration? Please read the scriptures found with each one. It was founded by the scriptural...

Things about the Church of Christ That Surprise People: Communion

Communion is a part of worship every Sunday. Those who are unfamiliar with the church of Christ, after a few visits with a congregation, have been heard to say, “You know, the one thing...

God Has a Standard for That

Scripture is able to make a man “wise unto salvation” and completely ready for “every good work” God has a standard for every area of our lives.