I’m Looking for a Church That Is Not So…

Many thousands of people search out a new church each year. They often research congregations in their area, ask around, and then personally visit the short list in a month of Sundays. Let’s consider some...

What Jesus Told Me to Tell You

Just before returning to heaven, Jesus pointed a nail-scarred hand at a world for which He had just died and told His followers to “go.” The message they were to take was the simple gospel....

If Jesus Were Running for President Would He Win?

At Jesus’ birth, politicians worried about being unseated by one born to be King (Matthew 2:1–16; John 18:37). As an adult, He was tempted with political power—all the kingdoms of the world (Luke 4:5–6). At...

Three Tears from a Savior’s Eye

Big boys don't cry.   So we tell little boys when they fall. Then they read in their Bibles that Jesus wept. Does that mean He was a 'sissy'? No. One has to consider the...


God has always shown compassion to His children (Psalm 86:15; Psalm 117:2; Isaiah 49:15; Ephesians 2:7; Titus 3:4), and He expects His children to pass along compassion to others. How do we do that?

What Saul Saw When He Couldn’t See

During these three dark days, Saul “saw” a lot he had never seen with his eyes open. The eyes of his understanding were opened (Ephesians 1:18). What did Saul see when he couldn’t see?

The Problem Everybody Has but Nobody Talks About

 Hans Christian Anderson’s short story “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is about two weavers who promised an emperor new clothes that would be invisible to anyone unfit for his position. They made no clothes at...

Advice for the Grieving

There are two types of people in the world: those who grieve and those who will grieve. We can’t escape it; therefore, we should prepare of it. What are some considerations for one facing grief?

The First Christian in Europe

Jesus forever changed such hateful culture. Whenever His gospel is preached, women are equally invited to receive it (Matthew 11:28–30); everywhere Christianity goes, it elevates women to heights rarely seen in human history (Galatians 3:28); wherever the church is established, women have as important roles to fill as men do (although they differ) (1 Timothy 2:1–15). Of the thousands converted in that first generation, what made Lydia one of eight included in Acts? What does she teach us?

Who is at the Controls?

If life is a flight through time, who is in the cockpit? If life is a joyride, who is behind the wheel? If life is a voyage, who is at the helm?  Decisions determine direction (Joshua 24:15). Direction determines destiny...