Have Peace One with Another

A man tested the strength of a glass container by using it as a hammer to drive a nail successfully into a wooden plank. Next, he took a pea-sized marble and dropped it through...

I Quit Church After a Bad Experience. Why Should I Go Back?

Lately, the church’s back door has been busier than its front door. Many have left, saying, “I don’t go anymore. I just got too busy.” Or, “I’ve had it with organized religion.” Or, “I...

A Decent Devil?

“It is notable that nearly all the poisonous fungi are scarlet or speckled and the wholesome ones brown or grey, as if to show us that things rising out of darkness and decay are...

What does it mean to be forgiven?

A poet defined forgiveness as “the fragrance a flower gives the foot that crushes it.” Webster has “pardon, acquittal, to cancel, remit, or give up resentment against.” Forgiveness is found only seven times in the...

5 Views of Mark 16:16

Jesus pointed a nail-pierced hand at a world for which He had just died and commanded, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized...

I’m Looking for a Church That Is Not So…

Many thousands of people search out a new church each year. They often research congregations in their area, ask around, and then personally visit the short list in a month of Sundays. Let’s consider some...

I Would Go to Church, but All They Want is Money

Let’s explore how money issues are handled by those seeking to restore New Testament Christianity. This is what you can expect if you come for a visit.

Seven Simple Facts about the Judgment

“The safest road to hell,” wrote C.S. Lewis, “is the gradual one—the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.” Occasionally, we need reminding of that one great event toward which...

8 Things You Will Never Do in Heaven

Most likely today, you will do things you will never do in heaven. 1. If You Turn on a Light, You Did Something You Will Never Do in Heaven. Half of the time in this world...

Coming Into God’s Presence

“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9  Because the Jews had defended it so fanatically, the Roman general Pompey was anxious to see what was in...