What to Expect on Your First Visit

A warm welcome, but not a twenty-question interrogation. We know the value of low-key. A simple service—no showy production—just ordinary people offering God sincere worship. Communion with the Lord. We take the Lord’s supper every Sunday,...

Sincerity Is Not Enough

Make absolutely sure you are right, and then sincerely practice it.

Entertainment Addiction

We have become a society that expects to be entertained everywhere we go.

Five Causes of Decline in Belief

Modern Philosophy. After the Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation, men were much freer to explore new ideas. Some began to question everything and believe in nothing. The British philosopher David Hume (1711–1776) argued that...

How to Face Your Golgotha

Read Matthew 26:36–46; Mark 14:32–42; Luke 22:39–46 Jesus faced the greatest test of faith in His life. He did not look forward to the events that would culminate in His own funeral.  He knew exactly what...

With His Last Breath

Every breath we take brings us closer to our last. We do not know when our final life-sustaining draw will be. While we should not live in a panic, we need to live with a sense of urgency.

Have Peace One with Another

A man tested the strength of a glass container by using it as a hammer to drive a nail successfully into a wooden plank. Next, he took a pea-sized marble and dropped it through...

God Must Love Giggles

A second-grade school teacher observing her little charges on the playground thought, “God must love giggles.” He wants us to be joyful.  As Christians, we have so much to...

I Am Thankful For . . .

I am thankful for . . . the wife who says it’s hot dogs tonight because she is home with me and not out with someone else. the husband who is on the sofa being...