I Want to Be Saved Like They Were in Acts

The New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John record the life, teachings, commands, and promises of Jesus. One promise was, “I will build My church” (Matthew 16:18). One command was, “Go into...

They Played By the Same Rules

It was historic! It had been more than forty years since it had last happened; but, in this generation of seeing walls come down and records broken, it was not really surprising. Perhaps you...

Context Is King

The meaning of any Scripture will be consistent with what comes before and after it. Words in the Bible, as in other literature, convey meaning according to rules of grammar. Since a sentence is...
Old books on windowsill

Do We Understand?

While President Harry S. Truman was in office, there was an attempt to assassinate him. Endeavoring to protect the president, one of the guards was slain. With deep solemnity and sadness, the president commented,...

A Persian Proverb

There seems to be a mad rush to identify with every strange teaching that comes down the pike. The current rage is to deny we can “know” anything, but is that true?

You Can Prove Anything by the Bible

Have you ever heard, “You can prove anything by the Bible”? This is only true if someone misuses the Bible and misapplies its teachings. The Bible is unified; it harmonizes. It brings unity, not confusion...

What a Book!

There are very few that ever gave this Book of God, the grand charter of salvation, one fair reading through.

Major and Minor Prophets

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Evidence for God and the Bible

Reasons to Believe by Eric Lyons & Kyle Butt About 33 million adults in the United States classify themselves as atheists or agnostics. On the other hand, about 294 million adults believe in a God of some sort....

Born in the House of Bread

Christ was born in Bethlehem. The literal meaning for the name Bethlehem is "The House of Bread." Jesus was not born in the house of royalty, or the house of riches, or the house of...