The Restoration of the New Testament Church
Church history is divided into four periods: 1) The Age of the New Testament Church, 2) The Age of Apostasy and Departure, 3) The Age of the Protestant Reformation, 4) The Age of Restoration....
Why did the Jews and Samaritans hate one another so much?
Let's study the Old Testament...
A Decent Devil?
“It is notable that nearly all the poisonous fungi are scarlet or speckled and the wholesome ones brown or grey, as if to show us that things rising out of darkness and decay are...
The Power of the Written Word
Some say that while Jesus Christ was upon earth there was power in what He had to say, but “all we have now is the written Word.”
Does the mere fact that God’s Word has...
10 Plagues: Jehovah God vs. the gods of Egypt (info graphic)
The plagues of Egypt are well known, but a deep study reveals that each was a direct challenge to the various Egyptian gods and goddesses. The plagues affected the Egyptians’ physical senses as well...
Have You Oiled Your Bible?
Fred W. Cropp, President of the American Bible Society, once received a letter asking, “What do you recommend for keeping the leather of Bibles from getting stiff, cracking, and peeling?”
His reply was, “There is...
What About the Thief on the Cross?
There is no doubt that the man we know as the thief on the cross was saved by Jesus. Jesus told him, "Today shalt thou be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43). The question...
The Finest New Testament Christian You Never Heard Of
It is important to build a good reputation; it is more important to maintain it. A good reputation takes time to build, but it can be destroyed in just a minute.
Who are the sons of God in the book of Job?
Almost every reference in the Bible to "sons of God" refers to men who live in harmony with the will of God. However, I believe the three instances of the sons of God found in Job (Job 1:6; Job 2;1; Job 38:7) refer to angels.