You Can Prove Anything by the Bible

Have you ever heard, “You can prove anything by the Bible”? This is only true if someone misuses the Bible and misapplies its teachings. The Bible is unified; it harmonizes. It brings unity, not confusion...

They Played By the Same Rules

It was historic! It had been more than forty years since it had last happened; but, in this generation of seeing walls come down and records broken, it was not really surprising. Perhaps you...

A Persian Proverb

There seems to be a mad rush to identify with every strange teaching that comes down the pike. The current rage is to deny we can “know” anything, but is that true?

Little Town of Bethlehem

The little town of Bethlehem was known for four things, and each of them teaches us a lesson about Jesus.

Come Up to the Standard

Lance Foster tells the story of Confederate troops taking fire from entrenched Union forces on a hill above their position down in a valley. A Confederate officer decided his troops must get out of...

Need Advice?

The Bible is a storehouse that offers practical advice on the following everyday issues: Love (1 Corinthians 13).  Leadership (Nehemiah). Laziness (Proverbs 6:6–8).  Patriotism (Proverbs 14:34; Jonah). Materialism (Deuteronomy 8; Ecclesiastes; Luke 12:15). Investments...

I Drive a Donkey

There is an obscure Bible character that holds a great deal of fascination for me. His name is Harbona(h) and his name only appears twice, both in connection with the account of Esther. He is introduced in Esther 1:10 and plays a key role in this divine story of providence in Esther 7:9.

A Man from Mars

Suppose we were to give a Bible to a man from Mars and tell him to follow the New Testament explicitly. If he did, having never heard of religion, what would be the results?  He...

Have We Outgrown the Bible?

Times change. Today’s “new” is tomorrow’s “old,” this morning’s “breakthrough” is this afternoon’s “castaway,” and this year’s “popular” is lost in next year’s “latest.” Clearly, the “up-to-date” is soon “out-of-date.”  Truth, however, doesn’t change. It...