5 Views of Mark 16:16

Jesus pointed a nail-pierced hand at a world for which He had just died and commanded, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized...

Acts Is an Amazing Book

It's three books in one!

Are We Living in the Last Days?

Yes, we are living in the "last days." It should not be a cause for alarm, however, because we have been living in the last days for almost two thousand years!

What Saul Saw When He Couldn’t See

During these three dark days, Saul “saw” a lot he had never seen with his eyes open. The eyes of his understanding were opened (Ephesians 1:18). What did Saul see when he couldn’t see?

The First Christian in Europe

Jesus forever changed such hateful culture. Whenever His gospel is preached, women are equally invited to receive it (Matthew 11:28–30); everywhere Christianity goes, it elevates women to heights rarely seen in human history (Galatians 3:28); wherever the church is established, women have as important roles to fill as men do (although they differ) (1 Timothy 2:1–15). Of the thousands converted in that first generation, what made Lydia one of eight included in Acts? What does she teach us?

Keynotes of the Books of the New Testament

Reviewing key words, verses, phrases, and messages from the Gospel accounts refreshes our memory (2 Peter 1:12) and helps us to find key ideas as we read.

The World’s Most Popular Thief

History’s most popular thief is the one who died on a cross beside Jesus. He is one of the best-known characters in the Bible, although he is mentioned in only three of its 1,189...

Have You Read the Book That Shaped America?

America’s earliest settlers came in search of religious freedom, to escape religious persecution—which has again become an issue in modern times.  A new arrival who joined the Pilgrims at Plymouth in 1623 “blessed God for...

Did the Disciples Make up the Gospel?

Opponents of Christianity commonly say that the New Testament resulted from the disciples missing Jesus so much that they made up the resurrection and fabricated a record of His words and deeds. Common acts...

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

When did Jesus pray? - Wendell Winkler