Ten Commandments of Human Relations

1. Thou Shalt Love People, Not Just Use Them (Matthew 22:39). The greatest thing in the world is a person. The greatest thing about a person is his motives, and the greatest motive is...

10 Ways To Tell You are Getting Old

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. - Proverbs 17:22

A Mom’s Worth

An article in Forbes asks, “Think you can put a price on motherhood?”

God Made Life Interesting

Seeds may be dropped into the ground upside down or sideways, yet the plants come up to the surface. One grain of corn will produce a stalk on which there may be two ears,...

Empty Nest

You know you are suffering from 'Empty Nest Syndrome' if... you have thrown out the better part of the last several one-gallon jugs of milk but still can't bring yourself to buy the one-quart...

Move Along

When Christian Herter was governor of Massachusetts, he was running hard for a second term in office. One day, after a busy morning chasing votes (and no lunch), he arrived at a church barbecue....

How to Be Healthier and Better Looking

We have all had those times when we looked in the mirror and have been unimpressed with what we saw. So here are some simple tips to become much healthier and better looking. Want...

Glad Tidings of Good Things (September 22, 2016)

Personal Prayer List Perhaps the most neglected of God’s gifts is the use prayer as we should, based on God’s word (1 Thessalonians 5:17). I have recently made study of prayer and how it was...

Glad Tiding of Good Things (July 14, 2016)

$86,000 I had a crazy uncle. He was rich. I liked him a lot. He was rather odd, but still I thought he was great. He had some unusual ideas. As president of a big...

Glad Tidings of Good Things (April 20, 2017)

The Best is Yet to Be At Columbia University, John Erskine was considered one of their greatest teachers ever. He was a true “Renaissance man”—author of sixty books, accomplished concert pianist, head of the Julliard School...