We Are Wonderfully Made

Over the past two decades, I have had numerous occasions to gaze upon the internal workings of a computer. I am always amazed at the circuitry and complexity therein. An accident? Of course not!...

The Historical Jesus

There is more evidence for the historicity of Jesus of Nazareth (c. 4 bc–ad 30) than any other person of antiquity.  There are more than 5,500 Greek manuscripts and thousands of copies of the New...

Aijeleth Shahar—God’s Deer

Animals in prophecy is an unlikely theme for a Bible study, but it proves fascinating. If the words Aijeleth Shahar in the title to Psalm 22 mean “the morning hart”1 (as most scholars believe),...

The “Weakness” of an Almighty God

God is all­-powerful, all­-knowing, all­-loving, and ever­-present (Psalm 139:1­–16; 1 John 4:8). He is Almighty God—the perfect Being. Paul’s statement, then, is unusual: “Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness...

Even When He is Silent

A young girl whose name may never be known died in a Nazi concentration camp during World War II, but her faith will never be forgotten. On the wall of the cell she occupied...

The Same Seed, The Same Plant

The seed is the Word of God (Luke 8:11).  It makes no difference how long that seed has been stored. Even if it was preserved from a crop a thousand years ago, wherever and whenever...

Why Do You Talk So Much About Jesus?

An old Indian chief constantly spoke of the Lord Jesus and what He meant to him. “Why do you talk so much about Jesus?” asked a friend. The old chief did not reply, but slowly, deliberately...

The Mighty Deeds of King Jesus Quiz

How much do you know about King Jesus the Christ?

Why Do Bad Things Happen?

The most commonly asked question about God—which has been called the “Achilles Heel” of Christianity—is, “Why does a loving, all-powerful God allow suffering in His world?”

How to Face Your Golgotha

Read Matthew 26:36–46; Mark 14:32–42; Luke 22:39–46 Jesus faced the greatest test of faith in His life. He did not look forward to the events that would culminate in His own funeral.  He knew exactly what...