Three Barriers to Answered Prayer

 It is known within the Virginia State Highway Patrol that sometimes officers sneak away for a game of golf. One officer had forgotten which course his friend said to meet him. When he called...

Our Court-Appointed Attorney

He Is the Propitiation for Our Sins. Jesus mediates, presenting His atonement for us.  Lawyers in court frequently deny allegations brought against their clients. If they admit the charge, then they try to justify it....

If People Knew What I’d Done, They’d Never Let Me in Church

“Church is for good people, and I won’t really fit in.” “Church is for believers, and I have some doubts.” “Church is for families, and I’m from a broken home.” “Church is for people with good habits,...

Signs for the Times

How many wasted miles, foolish injuries, and senseless deaths could be avoided if only people read signs? God must think the same thing, as He watches men speed down the devil’s highway ignoring all...

The Problem Everybody Has but Nobody Talks About

 Hans Christian Anderson’s short story “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is about two weavers who promised an emperor new clothes that would be invisible to anyone unfit for his position. They made no clothes at...

Did the Disciples Make up the Gospel?

Opponents of Christianity commonly say that the New Testament resulted from the disciples missing Jesus so much that they made up the resurrection and fabricated a record of His words and deeds. Common acts...

The Crimes of Jesus

There are many crimes committed each day. The FBI reports that a property crime is reported every three seconds in the US, and a violent crime every twenty-two seconds. The most common are: Theft...

Are You Covered?

In recent months, several natural and unnatural calamities have struck our country and community. Terrorists destroy buildings and lives; planes fall from the sky; evil people have given “hate mail” a new meaning. Periodically,...

10 Things I Wish the World Knew About Jesus

If the church had the opportunity to preach one sermon to the whole world, what should it be? Its theme would have to be Jesus, for there is no salvation “in any other, for...

Pornography’s Pain

An anonymous reader wrote: “Shouldn’t a person have the right to watch or read whatever he pleases? As long as he watches or reads in the privacy of his own home, and nobody gets hurt,...